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About Us

Tehachapi Troop 3 is a “Boy Led”, parent supported, active in the community and “outdoorsy” kind of Troop. We LOVE to camp, explore, and play outdoors throughout the year.

The Troop is guided by Scouting’s main goal to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. We also work to instill in our youth and adult members a strong sense of adventure, Respect for Nature, “Civic Duty” and Patriotism. This includes developing a sense of awareness and responsibility to the things about our Nation, its geography, and its people that convey American exceptionalism.

This is all done in a setting led by the actions and ideas of our boys, they decide on the events and locations for Troop activities. Boy Led, adult supported, and fun. We have a strong group of adult leaders and parents that form a great managing committee for the Troop, so that the activities are fun, productive and leave lasting memories with our boys. The rank of Eagle Scout is a great goal to set for adolescent boys, but the journey there is what builds a young man’s character. We always welcome new members – boys and adults alike, come in and see us during a meeting or outing, hopefully you like what you see and decide to stick around.

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© 2025 Troop 3 Tehachapi, CA - Boy Scouts of America
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